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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Controversies, debates & decisions.

After group three's enjoyable "rest" day in Samagaon a decision had to be made re the next stage in the journey for all groups . Base camp now seemed tantalisingly near: a mere 3 bus stops away....... But as is the nature of bus stops - queues tend to develop.... Both Groups 1 & 2 were already at Samdo, and group 3 were due to move up & join them. But were there sufficient tent spaces (and Snickers bars) to accommodate all three groups in Samdo at once?? And although group 1&2 were champing on the bit to move on in order to establish Base Camp we still lacked information on the state of the pass and accessibility for porters with heavy loads.
Also caution was still needed re acclimatisation and it was vital that a separation between the groups was maintained so that the arrival of guinea pigs for the researchers was staged.

Much discussion & debate ensued regarding the many possible permutations of movement of the three leading groups. In many ways the ideal plan would be for all groups to put in extra rest days at Dharamsala but strangely that plan proved unpopular. Clearly, despite its proximity to Tibet, Dharamsala is no Shangri-la. A one tea-house town with the tea house now closed for the season.....

In order to obtain more intelligence re the state of the pass Phurba left us to do a reconnoitre with the aid of a brace of Pembas. Our own trusty Pemba III stayed behind to take on the mantle of group three guide.

Finally a decision was made. Hurrah! Group 3 would move up to join 1&2 at Samdo on Tues 7 by which time the weather and pass access situation would perhaps be clarified. We would all benefit from time spent at that altitude and the reunion of the 3 groups would be fun. Gp 3 were greeted joyously by 1&2 before the snow set in (again). It was another chilly night as Gp 1 prepared for their trip to the fleshpots of Dharamsala. How they looked forward to it....


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